Book News, The Elite, The Prince, The Selection

The Prince

Alright, I want to make things official about The Prince. The Prince is a novella I wrote to accompany The Selection Trilogy. It’s basically a short story that takes place within the timeline of the first book. The Prince came about mostly because of my wonderful editor, Erica Sussman. As we were editing The Selection, she asked all these fantastic questions. Some of them led me to start looking at things the way other people in the stories would see them. In the end, I wrote two scenes from different POVs, one from Aspen’s and one from Maxon’s.

The Prince is taking that scene from Maxon’s perspective and elaborating on it. If you’ve ever wondered what the whole Selection thing looks like through his eyes, then I think you’ll really love this. It will be out exclusively in e-format (which, if you don’t have an e-reader, you can still access on your computer) and should be released March 5, 2013, just before The Selection comes out in paperback. I seriously can’t wait to share. I’m almost as excited about you guys having this as I am about handing over The Elite next April!